
Put your pedal to the metal to help a mate through


Pedal4Prostate returns to the Waikato region with the 5th annual running of this fantastic fundraising event at Hampton Downs Motorsport Park.

Pedal4Prostate is part of the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s Blue September awareness and fundraising campaign, with this year’s theme being “Do Something Blue to Help a Mate Through”.

This year’s Pedal4Prostate event is on Sunday the 7th of November.

In this time of uncertainty and the disappointing cancellation of many sporting events, including other cycling challenges, the anticipation of reducing lockdown restrictions has ensured this popular 4-hour endurance event, Pedal4Prostate, remains firmly fixed in the cycling calendar.

Pedal4Prostate appeals to families wanting a fun day out on their bikes and, also appeals to the serious cycling enthusiast who wants to test themselves against their teammates and the clock. This popular event attracted over 200 riders and raised just over $100,000 in 2020, and this year we are aiming for even more people to take part, says Event Manager Carol Roche.

Pedal4Prostate is a very important event for the Prostate Cancer Foundation, first as a major fundraiser for the organisation, and as an opportunity to create awareness about this deadly disease that affects one in eight men in New Zealand over their lifetime.

Funds raised by this event enable the Prostate Cancer Foundation to carry out its vital work supporting men and their families living with prostate cancer throughout New Zealand, as well as funding NZ based research into better diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, education programmes and advocacy for better outcomes for Kiwi men.

Some facts about Prostate Cancer in New Zealand:

  • Today, ten New Zealand men will be told they have prostate cancer.
  • Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in New Zealand Men – 1 in 8 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime.
  • More than 3,500 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year.
  • More men are diagnosed with prostate cancer than women are diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • More than 650 men die from prostate cancer in NZ each year. That’s 55 men dying each month.
  • There are over 42,000 men in New Zealand living with prostate cancer.
  • Early detection can save lives and screening for prostate cancer can be done with a simple PSA blood test arranged by your GP.
  • Men over age 50 should get regular check-ups (at age 40 if there’s a family history).

Prostate cancer represents a significant health burden on New Zealand men. There are increasing concerns regarding inequities in prostate cancer morbidity and mortality among the different ethnic groups in New Zealand.

Advocacy is a key part of the work the Prostate Cancer Foundation does. A quick, simple blood test is all it takes to help save the lives of countless New Zealand fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, and friends. But the current system – where Kiwi men must request the blood test through their GP or wait to be offered it – isn’t working. In particular, it is not working for rural men or Māori men.

We need to be smarter about how we diagnose this cancer because early detection is key. The current system in NZ is opportunistic i.e., when you visit the doctor for something else or a check-up you may be offered a PSA test. This means not every man will get the same information or the opportunity to have a PSA test.

There are regional variations in uptake as well, with District Health Boards in Northland and the Bay of Plenty showing higher testing rates than regions such as Nelson and the West Coast.

Furthermore, Māori men are also more likely to die from prostate cancer than non-Māori, as are all men in rural or semi-rural locations.

The Foundation is advocating for a structured population-based screening programme for prostate cancer, as we currently have with breast cancer, cervical cancer, and bowel cancer.

Prostate Cancer Foundation Chief Executive Peter Dickens says “the PSA blood test is a simple, inexpensive, diagnostic tool, that we must use more wisely – and widely.

We’re urging the Ministry of Health to consider more broadly an effective screening programme to help us save the lives of our men. In the meantime, we encourage all men over 50 to get regular prostate check-ups with their GP or medical centre, and men aged 40 and over, for those with a family history.

You can help the Foundation in their quest by signing up as a solo rider or as a team to this year’s Pedal4Prostate and raise funds to assist with this important work.

For workmates, seeking a team-building day or just a fun day out on the track, or those wanting to beat a personal challenge or pitch themselves against friends and whanau, Pedal4Prostate offers something for everyone wrapped up in a fun-filled and action-packed day.

Not to mention a rare opportunity to tackle an international motor racing track, with no cars.

Pedal4Prostate is a one-day endurance cycling event over a 2.7km circuit at Hampton Downs Motor Sport Park for the duration of four hours. It starts with registration from 7-00am to 8-00am, with the race starting at 9-00am, and the event concludes with a prizegiving after lunch around 2-30pm.

Event categories for Pedal4Prostate consist of Open, Open E-Bike, Over 60s, Over 60s E-Bike. To participate in the E-bike category, all riders within a team/group must use an E-bike.

To participate in the Over 60s category, any rider (individual or team) must be at least 60 years of age.

Each participant is expected to fundraise prior to the event with all funds to go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand.

Pedal4Prostate registrations are open now, with solo rider, 2-person or 4-person team options.

There are over 60s and e-bike categories too. So, get a few mates and workmates together and sign up today at: www.pedal4prostate.org.nz

For more information, please contact event manager Carol Roche on 09 415-2404 or events@prostate.org.nz


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