The Provincial Growth Fund is investing $8 million into K’aute Pasifika Trust’s Pan Pacific community hub in Hamilton city.
The funding, announced in November, is a $6 million grant and $2 million loan and will help to redevelop the vacant Hamilton Stadium Bowling Club at Hinemoa Park. The hub will include an integrated health centre, a stand-alone early learning facility and an open fale-style community space.
Leaupepe Rachel Karalus, chief executive, is excited to see the significant Government investment.
“We are extremely honoured and excited about the investment in the wellbeing of our communities in the Waikato.
“This has been a 20 year journey that began in 1998, when the Pacific community held a fono to understand why Pacific peoples were not accessing mainstream health services, and suffering unnecessarily poor health outcomes,” said Karalus.
Hamilton East MP Jamie Strange says the Pan Pacific Community hub is one of many exciting projects happening in Hamilton’s CBD. “I call it the high-five in the CBD: Waikato Regional Theatre, ACC building, Union Square, the Waikato Regional Council and the Pan Pacific Community Hub.”
The hub will also provide a meeting and activity space for the community.
The Pacific population in the Waikato region is growing rapidly and the demand for Pacific business support and social and health services is increasing as a result. The funding will provide cultural, social and economic wellbeing support for all of the Waikato community.
“The hub is about inclusion, ensuring the needs of the community are understood and met. This is more than a collection of buildings. We know the hub will bring people together regardless of their ethnicity, religion, gender, age and sexuality,” Karalus says.
The Pan Pacific Community Hub is the outcome of a collective of people and organisations that value and believe in improving the health, social, education and economic outcomes for people.
“We’re extremely grateful for the support from our community, local and central government, our strategic partners, funders, private sector organisations and not-for profits. All who have walked alongside us in this journey.”