Since reopening their doors in early June, the Claudelands team have been hard at work adapting to their new normal and way of working.
Staff members from around the business have taken it upon themselves to become experts in something entirely unexpected. On the back of the Covid-19 pandemic the delegate experience was rigorously tested, and the team determined a range of optimal room layouts, alongside developing clear hygiene and cleaning systems.
H3 Conference and Functions Manager Linda Kelly has seen her team step up and quickly adapt to these new challenges.
“We are lucky to have an incredibly skilled and experienced team at H3, who have worked together to reshape how we operate – all while staying positive and continuing to provide a seamless experience for our clients,” says Linda.
While restrictions at Level 2 caused some limitations, Claudelands have been able to continue hosting multiple business events on site at once, making good use of their space and venue size which ensures there is no crossover in shared areas and allowing easy flow for delegates around the venue.
They have also worked together with external suppliers, such as audio-visual specialists Vidcom, to provide fresh technology options which will enable online video-conferencing capability, should this be needed to allow for further flexibility.
Knowing event organisers are dealing with increased pressures during these uncertain times, the team have put transparent steps in place to support them. This includes allowing for postponements up to six weeks before their event, incentives for multiple bookings and providing financial options if required.
Melissa Williams, H3 Business Development Manager, believes providing this flexibility is key – “these reassurances allow our clients to confidently return to business with a clear understanding and knowledge that an expert team is supporting them”.
Now that we are at Alert Level 1 the team are thrilled to continue doing what they are all so passionate about – delivering amazing events and making an impact on our thriving city.
Claudelands is ready to host your next business event in the safest and smartest way possible.
With expert staff and additional measures in place you can be assured that you can continue to meet in confidence.