Do you think you know everything about yourself?
How much more effective do you think you could be if you tweaked, changed or eliminated behaviours to become a better manager, leader or team member?
Unless you’re regularly asking for feedback from others, how do you know what you need to change, improve or do differently?
We all have a “blind spot” – an area in our behaviour that is unknown or unnoticed by us, but which others are aware of.
Some examples:
• jumping to solutions before fully exploring or understanding an issue
• interrupting others while they are speaking
• arriving late to meetings
• giving unclear instructions
The only way that you can get insight into your blind spot is to solicit feedback from those best qualified to provide it, people you work with and live with.
So are you interested in how others view your work? Do you want to know how to improve your own performance?
If you do, then make it easy for others to give you feedback.
Here’s how:
• Manage your defensiveness – Instead of instantly becoming defensive when others want to give you feedback, be mindful that fear of hurting you or having to deal with your defensive or aggressive behaviour will make them hesitant to do so.
• Listen to understand – Practise all the skills of an effective listener including using body language and facial expressions that encourage the other person to talk.
• Suspend judgment – Remind yourself that you are learning more about yourself and how your actions are interpreted by, and impact others.
• Ask questions to clarify – Focus on fully understanding the feedback.
• Ask for specifics – To help you get clear on what, when, where and how.
• Be approachable – Respect that the person giving you feedback is taking time to give it to you, and that they are possibly nervous about doing so.
• Do not justify your behaviour – Be prepared to consider how you could have done it differently.
It is up to you to decide what to do with the feedback you receive; after all, feedback is simply information and is not necessarily right or wrong.
1. Thank the person providing the feedback. You want them to feel encouraged so that they continue to give you feedback.
2. Learn self-awareness and self-management techniques to help you maintain your emotions.
3. If you disagree, are angry or upset, and want to discuss the feedback, wait until your emotions are under control to reopen
the discussion.
Now that you have read this article, how will you use this information to ensure you ask for, and receive feedback differently? Want to learn more? Join our Leadership Development Programme, six half day modules, next programme starts 13 June. Give us a call to find out more: 0800 383 737.