The power of philanthropy


The fresh start of a new year is the time to recalibrate our focus, for the next 12 months and beyond.

As your Community Foundation, Momentum Waikato exists to facilitate the future wellbeing of the region. We are channelling the philanthropic generosity of the people of Waikato towards effectively and efficiently addressing their local concerns, to create “a better Waikato for everyone, forever”.

We are doing this by: 

• Building Waikato’s own endowment fund

• Making giving and generosity simpler and more effective

• Undertaking transformational projects – our current mission being the Waikato Regional Theatre

• Connecting and convening projects and people to provide greater outcomes than they can achieve alone

The endowment, known as The Waikato Future Fund, has reached $14 million to date, with plans to build this to $25 million by the end of 2020. Our goal is to grow a nest-egg of $300 million in 30 years.

Imagine a Waikato region with the ability to design, support and fund positive impact within its communities, by filling the gaps in the social, environmental, economic and cultural services and infrastructure that local and central government increasingly struggle to deliver.

Imagine a Waikato that can use its own wealth to partner with other long-term large-scale investors committed to improving its environment, dealing with its social issues, and strengthening its small towns and city neighbourhoods.

In the last 12 months Momentum Waikato has been focused on making it simpler for Waikato people to contribute towards making this vision a reality. 

We are working with groups to establish specific funds for the long-term benefit of their local areas, and are well advanced in developing corporate gifting and payroll giving programmes. And, of course, we continue to connect with individuals and families considering leaving bequests and legacy gifts to the Waikato Future Fund for the causes close to their hearts. 

Meanwhile, a number of established trusts are considering transferring their funds to Momentum Waikato’s endowment.

This provides an exit strategy for trustees and/or enables them to focus on the disbursement of proceeds, while Momentum Waikato take the responsibility for the investment management and reporting accountability – all for no fees.

For organisations or families considering new philanthropic projects, choosing Momentum Waikato allows them to create dedicated funds for specific causes, without having to develop their own trust structures, fees and administration.

Momentum Waikato is passionately Waikato. We believe in this region and the people that live here. We believe in the power of generosity and philanthropy, and that by working together we can meet the challenges and take the opportunities to build a better Waikato for everyone, forever.


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