Lions support spring clean


A conservation project centred around a natural spring at Cambridge Resthaven is a step closer to completion thanks to a $40,000 donation by Cambridge Lions.

Cambridge Resthaven representatives and eleven Cambridge Lions members recently visited the Te Puna Marama (Moon Spring) to view the new bridge, stairs and track that have been funded by Cambridge Lions.

The Cambridge Lions Club members remarked on the “stunning” 15–20-minute walk and how much had been achieved.

Cambridge Resthaven Trust Board chair Greg Liddy, left, with Lions Club of Cambridge member Ian Crabb at the spring. Photo: Jeremy Smith.

Lions Club member Heidi Wehrle said, “Once signage is up and the community can participate, the location and native trees will draw people from Te Awa river walk as well as Cambridge itself to view the Te Puna Marama Spring, an important place in Cambridge’s history. Wonderful that Lions have been part of this journey.”

The spring is on the southern slope of Cambridge Resthaven in Vogel Street. It was discovered when Cambridge Resthaven purchased the land in 2013 and came across the spring and stream in the overgrown hillside.

Cambridge Resthaven undertook a restoration project that has spanned nearly a decade, helped by volunteers and the financial support of community groups and Waipā District Council.

The project has included clearing the area of weeds, planting native plants, constructing paths, retaining walls, bridges, and drainage, and providing ongoing weed and predator control. What was once an overgrown expanse, has now been restored with native plantings that are home to flourishing birdlife.

David Hall, Cambridge Resthaven CEO, acknowledged Cambridge Lions for their donation which had enabled the completion of the final stage of the construction work.

“We are looking forward to welcoming the public soon to enjoy this area.”

With the completion of the bridge, stairs and track, Cambridge Resthaven’s goal is to hold an official opening in Spring to acknowledge the many supporters of the project, then the area will be open to the public.

See: New moon for forgotten spring

Lions on the bridge – from left, Tina Chan, Paul Wong, Brent Montgomerie (front), Ian Crabb (back), Bill Cairns (front), Warren Beard (back), Tony and Judy Costello, Heidi Wehrle, Murray and Monique Candy, and Elbe Moreland. Photo: Michael Jeans


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