
Waikato Chamber of Commerce Business Awards


On March 11 we finally held our Waikato Chamber of Commerce Business Awards, supported by Foster Construction Group, after postponing several times from the original date in November. Even then it was a hybrid event, split over two venues and beamed out to many of the entrants’ workplaces, their favourite pubs, restaurants and into their homes.

Some ask why we go to such lengths to put on the Awards. Our purpose is simple: to recognise outstanding Waikato businesses and to inspire others to achieve great and lasting success right here in the Waikato.

There is not a finish line, a final whistle nor a personal best or world record in business. It is, in the immortal words of John Mitchell, “a journey”. More so than in most fields of human endeavour, commerce goes on ad infinitum. As an example, our overall winner DEC Pharmaceutical is not a company that many would recognise, yet they began after World War 2 and occupy a building on Te Rapa Rd that most will have travelled past many times. Their 70-year story of innovation after innovation and the subsequent regenerations is a testimony to longevity and resilience through hard work and bringing great ideas to market.

To enter and complete the Awards entry application requires a team-based reflection process that in itself is hugely valuable to your company. Having a confidential external review by highly experienced Waikato business leaders, which is overseen by the University of Waikato Management School, gives you amazing feedback. It is difficult to buy that level of insight and advice.

To be recognised and awarded accolades by your peers is truly humbling and uplifting. Your success can inspire your team and other companies to strive for greatness.

Entries open for the 2022 Awards on Tuesday, April 19, right after Easter.

Get your team together, take the plunge, enter the Awards, and inspire yourselves.


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Your source for local business news in Waikato

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