Q: In your role, what’s been the most rewarding challenge you’ve tackled this year?
Jago Town opening door 01/12/2020 and officially running from 01/01/2021
Q: Has your business been impacted by covid over the past 18 months? If so, how?
Yes, very much with the alert level change. Jago is unable to operate and with no other ways to make any income because of the type of business we are in. Each alert level shift would have at least 4-8 weeks impact on business trading.
Q: How are your staff coping during the pandemic? What emphasis have you placed on staff wellbeing, and is this any more or less than ‘normal ?’
Our staff have been great! Most of them have kids and or grandkids. Many of them enjoy a bit of family time. As an employer, the first priority is communication. All employees know what to expect and what to happen next. We make sure their income is secure and on time as per communication. Communication and the ability to reach out to us or each other any time is our emphasis.
Q: What’s been your biggest learning this year on the leadership front?
Strong together. Everyone is in this together. Businesses, employees and associated business partners need to support each other.
We are thankful for
– Caterplus, our cafe operation cater company extremely professional and helping with the process.
– The Base landlord Kiwi Property is helping to look into options to support our small business.
Jago provide 100% refund for level 3&4 affected bookings, no charge to our members (even in our website there’s a non-refund clause) Extra cleaning process, consistent offer and flexible payment terms. Honest business operation, best safety standard and extreme cleaning process really helps us to stand out from other similar offering.
Q: Within your role, what are you most excited about achieving in the next quarter before summer break?
1. Hope to see NZ to achieve an increased vaccination rate so we can have some normality back.
2. It has been a mummy dream to make this playground. Wish all kids could have more physical exercise time rather than screen time. We want to see more happy families play at a clean and safe environment, where everyone will have some fun.
07 846 6688
Shop M03 next to HOYTS
Te Awa Mall, Hamilton