
Q&A with Ingrid and Chloe from Designer Tanks


Q: Tell us what led you into your current career?
Chloe went on an Outward Bound course in May 2018. Talking to one of the instructors after an overnight mission, he said he did not want to have to explain to future generations why we use our precious drinking water to flush our toilets, wash our clothes and water our gardens. This struck a deep chord with Chloe and she went away mulling over the importance of water and how to use it better. Designer Tanks was formed when Chloe and her close friend Ingrid decided to take the plunge and make rainwater harvesting a viable and stylish option for gardens.  We offer a wide range of tanks that are ideal for homes, retirement villages and schools, in fact anywhere that appearance and the environment are important.

Q: What piece of advice or words have you been given that you would pass on to others?
We actually quite like this quote we spotted in a book as it’s relevant to the path we have chosen – “If you don’t like the way the world is, you change it. You have an obligation to change it. You just do it one step at a time” Marian Wright Edelman.

Q: 3 words that describe you best?
Bubbly, outgoing and supportive are three words that sum us both up.

Q: What challenges do you face within your role?
The biggest challenge for us is the fact that rainwater harvesting is a relatively new concept. A lot of what we do is more about change management and education than the tanks themselves. So far we are finding more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of rainwater harvesting. We just need to keep spreading the word by attending home shows, Fieldays and working closely with organisations such as councils and Garden to Table. 

Q: What’s your future long term goal?
Obviously for us long term we would like to see everyone collecting rainwater and doing their share for the planet that we all take for granted. Such a simple thing as collecting rainwater can ease the strain on our precious resources and help contribute to our environment for future generations

Q: What’s your idea of a work-free day off?
We both love being by the water and enjoy spending time walking in the bush and being surrounded by nature. It is always so peaceful and uplifting. We are also partial to a nice meal, a spot of shopping and wouldn’t say no to a massage.


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