Kia ora tatou
Ko Te Ahumairangi Te Maunga
Ko Rotoma Te Roto
No Wellington Ahau
Ko Fenwicke Toku Whanau
Ko Georgina Toku Ingoa
We are a tech platform called Frankie (
My name is Georgina Fenwicke, and I founded the company with the help of a group of switched-on software engineers and property managers.
Many reading this will be in the property space here in the Waikato.
You might construct, finance, lease, maintain, invest or operate a building or more.
We founded this company to prevent building breakdowns because it’s financially and environmentally sensible.
A building breakdown can be a few things – it’s that rusted section of roof leaking in your distribution centre, a roller door that has just given up the goat at 5pm, a yard that’s cracked through or a failed Building Warrant of Fitness.
We don’t like to think about these things, but they’re a reality for anyone in the property space.
Everyone has their story.
- A museum had a multi-million dollar plumbing issue when the pools surrounding it started to leak into the building itself.
- A regional airport had to replace a few roofs because there were no regular gutter inspections.
- A large distribution site couldn’t get its product out for delivery because its roller doors jammed at the same time.
Our response is often quite emotional when these types of issues crop up and it usually involves the word bugger.
As your finance team will tell you, it’s also pretty expensive.
Why do these issues surprise us?
The thing is, property managers are busy. They’re co-ordinating contractors, reports from tenants or your colleagues about other broken things, thinking about development opportunities, collecting rent or paying it and filling out compliance forms.
That’s where we’d like to help. We built Frankie to prevent these disasters by first giving them the time back to think about the risks.
Good capital asset plans and preventing these things from happening only comes when they have the time and TOOLS to think ahead.
Is there a building issue that keeps you up at night?
Get in touch – let’s face it head on together.
2020 was enough crazy for this decade, let’s take back control where we can.
Georgie is CEO of, Industrious Property Software. She’s passionate about technology improving the lives of Property and Operations teams.
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