Future entrepreneurs excel in Waikato


Yes-logoWaikato’s young entrepreneurs flocked to Wintec’s Atrium for the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme’s Kickstart Tīmata event.

About 320 students took part in the day, where they had the opportunity to pick the brains of over 40 Waikato business leaders in a speed coaching session.

The new YES regional coordinator Penny Bunting was thrilled with the enthusiasm and support for the experiential business programme, where the years 12 and 13 students start up and run a real business.

The young entrepreneurs will conduct market research, plan, budget, and turn problems into challenges in the year-long competition.

“It’s excellent to see such a strong interest from our schools and business leaders. Supporting YES is really important, as some of these young people go on to become the employers of the future for our region,” Bunting said.

“The business skills they develop are complemented by team work, communication, problem solving, negotiating and decision making. It’s a great learning experience.”

YES companies enter regional and national competitions, culminating in the National Awards where the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Company of the Year is announced. Regional awards will be held in October.


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