
Momentum Waikato Showcase highlights community work


Momentum Waikato had some points to prove at its recent annual Showcase.

The October event was titled ‘Proof Points’ to reflect the important announcements it featured.

The 180 attendees at Claudelands Event Centre enjoyed an engaging evening of presentations, including a delightful performance by the Waikato Diocesan School for Girls’ Kapa Haka group.

Chief executive Kelvyn Eglinton says Momentum Waikato’s core role is to grow a regional endowment fund that generates perpetual returns for granting to change agents in communities.

“Our long-term goal is to build a fund of $300 million in 30 years; our current strategic goal is to have a fund of $25 million by 2020,” said Eglinton.

“A key means for achieving this is inviting existing trusts struggling with compliance and growth to transfer their assets to Momentum Waikato’s care, so their mandated missions can continue with the leverage our larger scale allows.”

Two such transfers were profiled at the showcase.

Donny Trust chair Barry Paterson announced the trust will be moving its $11 million of capital across and outlined its history of development work in Chartwell.

Bill Ritchie, chair of the Houchen Trust, told its tale and detailed the reasoning for transferring its land and assets at its Glenview Retreat to Momentum Waikato.

Then it was time to give out some funding. The first grant from the new Hamilton CBD Development Fund, seeded by Foster Construction, is $10,000 to the Beyond Tomorrow Trust the new mural on the Te Koopuu Mania o Kirikiriroa wall, commonly known as ‘Wintec Wall’.

Presentations were also made by Waikato Women’s Fund chair Pam Roa and Momentum Waikato bequest patron Ken Williamson.

The final reveal was a preview of the upcoming marketing campaign for the final fundraising push for the Waikato Regional Theatre.

For more information visit www.momentumwaikato.nz.


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