The Smart Waikato team, from left, Sally Birch, Penelope Bunting, Anna Allison, Levinia Paku and Mary Jensen. Linda Nelson-Caie is absent but depicted in corflute.
Smart Waikato celebrated its 10th birthday in June. A charitable trust formed in 2009, the organisation’s purpose is to empower youth through real education to employment pathways.
Smart Waikato Trust is best known for Smart Transitions, Secondary School Employer Partnerships (SSEP), FutureForce Action Network, and co-ordination of the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) in the region.
Waikato business leader Mike Pohio and new Smart Waikato Patron Roger Evans.
Smart Waikato Chair Sarah Morton-Johnson and Hamilton City Council’s Upa Paragahawewa.
Smart Waikato Chief Executive Mary Jensen, Waikato Farmers Trust’s Graham Dwyer and MP Jamie Strange.
Norm Hill, Boffa Miskell, Jack Ninnes, WEL Networks and Andrew Boyd, St John.
Malgosia Cholewa, Fairfield College, David Hood, David Hood and Associates, Keith Gallagher, Gallagher Group, and Madhima Anderson, Fairfield College.
Soteria Ieremia, Kudos and Steve Tritt, Waipa District Council.
Lindsay Cumberpatch, DV Bryant Trust, and Graeme Ward, Community and Enterprise Leadership Foundation.
Edgar Wilson, Trust Waikato, and Trisha King, Mainline Sheetmetals.
Kaleb James, Stafford Engineering, and Alan Munro, Smart Waikato trustee and Matamata College.
Levinia Paku, Smart Waikato, and Don Scarlet, Mercury.